I am Dot Sez.
dis dat DOT


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Dot Sez

Real Estate


I wuz curious ta see what the dealio iz in my hood. You know, they might be putting condoz in around that courner from me. Just an FYI.

Fatty Patty's next doah? Paid $320K in 2005. The crazee group home next ta me? Bay Cove Human Services owns (as well as scoarz of uthas around the city. Interior 4300 SF. Now, that one I wuz tellin you about that might be condos? Do you remembah? Think hahd. Artha Hayz ownz it. Added hiz kids to that deed not to long ago. Bought 1973 No mortgage. 4300 SF...Maybe they'll make condos? whattayathink? The house that will never be finished? Bob Tail Nag LLC bought 8/2016 for $425K (surprised how low) Got a mortgage for, wait for it, $475) then another one at $70K. So, they gave hime $50K over purchase (It was a funky lender) and another $70K. $120K not nearly enough to rehab that joint.

I'm sure all of this POURT NEWZ is wickid interesting to you. A little break from that hole you keep falling into.

That's it for this weeks edition of "DOT SEZ" (dis, dat)

Tuesday January 31, 2020 - 8:18 AM